How To Stop Dog from Chewing the Leash

 A simple, yet effective tip on how to stop your dog from trying to show you that it’s in charge. If you have a dog that’s constantly biting, chewing and pulling on the leash, then try this technique and start enjoying your walks again! 
For more training tips visit the Doggy Dan site today!

The video below will show you how easy it is to stop your dog from biting the leash when you are trying to walk him/her.

                                   If the video does not show please click here to view. 

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Training your puppy to come at the park

It all sounds so simple in theory…You call your puppy and they come to
your feet, then you reward them and that should be it. The Recall!

For so many people though, it all goes pear-shaped and we end up
chasing our dogs and puppies all over the park, shouting their name as
they run away from us. Sometimes it seems like the only way to get
your dog to come running is to get in the car and start the engine or wait
until they finally get tired and want to go home.

Yet it's so easy to train a dog to come when called every time. Anyone
can do it. Like anything though, you need to know the secrets to

You see the reason that it goes wrong is that there are some very
simple and logical steps that have to be followed when training your
puppy to come, or it can all turn to custard very quickly.

So here is one of the most important steps.
Do not chase your puppy!
That’s right. The last thing you do is chase your puppy if they do not

Sounds simple but so many people do it. It goes something like this.
You call your puppy and they run the other way so you move closer to
them calling their name.
And that’s the big mistake ! You are now chasing your puppy. Yep it
happens that quickly.

One minute you were training your puppy to come to you and the next
minute you were chasing them.

So what are your options. Well the first to consider is keeping your
puppy on a long line until you are sure that they will come. That’s it…
pretty simple, right? If they are not going to come when you call them,
then maybe you should not let them off.

And the second option is understanding how to turn, walk away from
your puppy and call them so that they then chase you!

This is perfectly demonstrated by Doggy Dan in the following Video
during a puppy class at the park.

Getting your puppy to chase you is so easy when you know how… as
you can see in the video it really works. No chasing, no screaming and
the puppies come running.

Unfortunately very few people are shown these steps at puppy class.
However Doggy Dan’s website shows you everything you could want to
know about raising the perfect dog. In fact he has a video diary of his 1
year old dog Moses from 8 weeks of age showing you exactly how to
train him. And whats more, Dan gives you a $1 trial of the site for 3

Raising a puppy does not need to be difficult when you have the right
advice. If you are looking for help to training your puppy or stopping
unwanted dog behaviors then my recommendation is this...

Don’t waste any more time or money on other trainers or books. Get
real value for money and find a dog training method that works.

If you are interested in the above then simply take a look inside Doggy
Dan’s video website The Online Dog Trainer with the $1 trial for 3 days,

And you can thank me later!

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Should You be Using Food to Train Your Dog

Have you ever asked yourself whether or not using food is cheating
when training your dog? If you have, then I can promise you that you
are not alone.

It’s something that many people never actually get clear in their minds
and yet it is one of the most powerful topics to understand and also very
simple to master!

What I am about to explain in this article will almost certainly surprise
you but also make total sense. It will contradict some of the things that
you have heard through the grapevine, but getting tips from other dog owners
 at the park is not always the best place to get your dog training advice

Once you have read this I’m sure that both you and your dog will have a
better understanding and appreciation for each other.

Firstly, let’s look at the comment that you should never use food to get
your dog to respond to you because your dog will then only listen to you
if you have food in your hand. This is simply not true. Doggy Dan, the world
famous dog trainer from, tells me his dogs
listen to him whether he has food or not, yet he trained them all initially with food rewards.

If you would like to take a look at Doggy Dan’s complete dog and puppy
training site for $1 then you can!
Dan gives everyone a $1 trial of the site for 3 days! To get YOUR
access now just CLICK HERE:

The reason you can start by using food is because once your dog has
learned to respond to your command without thinking about it, you simply
fade the food out gradually.

Fading the food out is such an important concept, and is also referred to
as using ‘random rewards’. In a nutshell you simply start giving your dog
the treat from inside your hand so they can’t see it. Then you slowly start to
reward only every 2nd and then every 3rd time. Eventually you can
space out the treats until they become random rewards.

In a separate article I’ll explain how to boost your results with the
random rewards and leave your dog totally focused and awaiting your
next command without using up all your food too fast! So look out for that one…
The second myth about using food is this: dogs should just be happy to
work for you without any food rewards. I have heard this said and I have
noticed that it’s nearly always said by people who have not owned or trained
many dogs or by people who are quite happy to use a lot of force, fear
and aggression in their training. In a way, this approach was the “old school”
way – that dogs should just be obedient or else.

Well the way I see it is this… How long would you work for nothing? Not
long I am guessing! And for many dogs that’s exactly how they see it.
They get bored working so hard with absolutely no reward in return.

Now not all dogs need food treats, some dogs are just so happy to
please and with them the rewards are optional. However put very
simply, dogs are all different. There are those who’ll do anything you ask
with a smile on their face, and those who are always thinking about their next meal.

With a dog who just wants to please there may be no need to use food
rewards once they have understood what you want. On the other hand,
dogs who do not care for your pats, cuddles or their ball when they are
racing around the park playing with other dogs are the ones that will
seriously benefit from some very tactical food training.

By now you’re probably thinking that you always end up giving your
dogs food treats, but that couldn’t be further from the truth! As I mentioned
earlier when you understand how to fade out your food treats and use
a boost-effect to maximize the use of your treats
(which is another topic I’ll cover soon), you too will find your dog responding to you lightening fast every time.

So next time you are out with your dog feel free to use food as a reward
when they do something good and don’t worry about anybody telling
you otherwise.But also remember to start to fading out the rewards over a long period
of time. There is no rush though, and we are talking months not days!

Eventually you may end up only using the food rewards every 5th time,
then every 20th time…
And by the way, if you’re worried about them eating too much, simply
take it out of their dinner so their total amount eaten during the day
stays the same.

Hopefully that helps clear a few things up about the use of food. It’s
always going to be the number one reward for most dogs.

Soon I’ll explain how to boost the effect of using food rewards and also
go into a little more about exactly which food treats will get the best
results. Again I can promise you that this simple trick will make you smile.

Of course if you are wanting a total dog training solution, reading about
it can only get you so far. If you want to see it all in action, with videos
then I suggest that you check out Doggy Dan’s complete dog and puppy training

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How To Stop Separation Anxiety

Never Be The Same - 300 x 250

Separation anxiety is a very stressful behavioral issue that effects a huge percentage of the dog population, possibly as high as 14%. It is one of the most misunderstood issues with people trying to treat it by approaching it from a human point of view and failing to see the cause. The answer to how to stop separation is simple. Show your dog that you are the pack leader. Let me explain.

Recognizing that the following behaviors are symptoms is a start. They are as wide ranging as they are distressing for the dog, but by treating them you are not treating the cause of the problem. First ask yourself the question; does the behavior stop when you return? If so then I suggest that you’re being away is actually connected to the cause. Lets take a look at a few of the key symptoms.

Chewing –releases an endorphin similar to the one released when a human is chewing gum in an attempt to stay calm.

Barking, whining – this is a call for the owners to return to the pack, similar to if you were to call your children when you can’t find them

Escaping when you are not there – often very destructive, extreme and sometimes dangerous. Your dog is looking for you. So many people are told to try and exercise the problem out of their dog but it will not solve the problem

Digging, destruction – this is all connected to stressful and anxious behavior.

Self-mutilation – excessive, licking and chewing oneself. Excessive drooling is also a sign of stress. These are signs that are often mistaken for being medical conditions but are all stress related

Toileting – if your dog is toilet trained but starts going toilet inside and you think that it is behavioral then it could well be. If it is only occurring when your dog is away from you then it is very likely connected to your dog having separation anxiety

Whilst there are lots of places that you can find advice on how to treat all these symptoms there is only one way to treat the cause of the problem. If you are serious about how to stop separation anxiety then you must become the pack leader.

Separation anxiety is a very straight forward problem that occurs when your dog believes they are the pack leader and your are their puppy or member of their pack. In the wild dogs do not wander off out the den on their own and your dogs separation anxiety will continue until you return to him. Once you show your dog that you are the pack leader your dog will be fine with you coming and going as you please.

One of the best places to understand more about establishing yourself as the pack leader is the video based web site The Online Dog Trainer run by professional dog trainer Doggy Dan. Understanding the real cause of the problem is the first step, becoming the pack leader is the solution. CLICK HERE
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Stop my puppy biting - the biggest mistake you're making

This is the most common mistake people make with puppy mouthing, chewing and biting.
After reading this you'll probably never think of puppy training advice that you hear from others the same way. Hopefully you'll look at it all through your puppy's eyes…and that is when you will start to understand them.

Think about it…

Right now, millions of puppies are being taught by their owners to gently mouth their fingers and hands.  That’s right, we are training our puppies to do something that we then
do not want them to do later on!

How odd! And yet…

That is the standard way that it is taught. Teach your puppy to mouth gently and then start telling them they are doing it too hard and then we teach them not to do it anymore and if they do, it's the worst thing they could possibly do…

Confused? Sound complicated? Well, that’s because it is!

No, don’t think you are alone, like I say, most people are taught to do this, and so was I when I started dog training and yet there is a much easier way.

Here it is…

The big difference is that we must start as we mean to go on! Sounds logical – and it is… even your dog will appreciate that the rules don’t change as they grow up.

So here are the steps, somewhat simplified.

• Always provide your puppy with chew toys, chew things (could be a piece of wood)
• From the very start encourage your puppy to leave your fingers and clothes alone
• If your puppy mouths you then redirect them calmly onto something else
• If they continue to mouth you place them calmly on the floor and give a little yelp noise to
  let them know that their sharp teeth can hurt and move away
• If they continue to mouth you or your clothes take them calmly and quietly and place them    into  timeout for a minute or so.

Simple. Take it from me, this is a far easier approach. I adopted it from
Doggy Dan’s video website The Online Dog Trainer which is such a
straight forward approach to training puppies. If you want to check out
the site which includes a video and section on mouthing for $1 on a 3
day trial then CLICK HERE

Now, there’s a couple of things to remember:

1. First, when your puppy is only, say 8 weeks old, you should always
give them several chances if they do accidentally mouth you. It's really
around the 5 month old mark that you must no longer tolerate any
mouthing at all…

2. Also when you call your puppy to you, make sure that you have
something in your hand to put in their mouth. If you don't you are setting
them up to fail. Humans give affection through our hands but puppies
and dogs tend to use their mouths more so they need something to
mouth when you are cuddling them!

3. The last tip is simply this, when your puppy starts to mouth you and
ignores your chew toy, stay calm and place them on the floor. Do not
start beating your chest saying “No!” “No Bite” in your most superior
voice. (Another very old school training technique). This will only get
them more excited… that's the last thing you need!

Understanding your puppy is the key to developing an amazing
relationship with them. When you're able to see things through their
eyes you'll start to see how your actions make them feel.

Doggy Dan’s video website with over 250 videos is absolutely fantastic
for helping you see things from your puppies point of view. He even has
weekly videos of how he raised his puppy, Moses, from 8 weeks of age.

If you're serious about helping your puppy in a kind and gentle way that
will lead to an amazing relationship over time then click here to take a

Remember, Doggy Dan gives you a $1 trial of the site for 3 days! To get
YOUR access now just CLICK HERE: 

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